Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lately I have had no motivation to do anything....I hate going to class, and I feel like it is a waste of time. But obviously it isn't. This whole quarter has been no art, I haven't done anythign creative or made anything, only studying. Winter quarter is always terrible for me. I have 4 more weeks of these classes and then I can move on to more art. I also need a haircut. -_- I fail.

Obviously I'm complaining and I'll get over it, I like writing about my problems and getting it all out. Anyways. Gospel choir tonight where I sing like a black person. Astronomy quiz friday. Paper due next Monday. Scheduling next week. Second writing for Philosophy next, I realized I have a lot of stuff. Then finals. oh joy.

I leave you with a picture from the Chicago roadtrip that I didn't release. Credit to Shing, Jacqueline and.....wtheck?! Anna?!...yes, she is the one that is peeking through the hole around my, I didn't notice it until, nice Anna! Anyways, credit to them for coming into my "self-portrait" But technically most of the people the picture are part of my identity so, yes, it is a great self portrait.



Anna said...

HAHAHA. I love myself! I was totally about to comment like "WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK A PICTURE WITH ME IN IT?!" and I didn't even notice I was in there until I read your post. hahahaha.

This is a great photo. AMAZING. Anyway, it's okay, sometimes complaining bubbles forth from inside. You can get through it, next quarter will be lovely, springgg and flowers and unicorns!

tracers said...

meeeee tooooooooo! I feel so lazy!! and I complain a lot...don't worry though, your strength WILL be renewed!! =D

Jocelyn Ong said...

jacqueline looks like a little girl!!! hahaha! she looks really cute tho! and anna, props for being SUPAH creeper...O.o