Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wow this past week was full of stuff.

Friday: Had an interview with the internship in the morning. (I got it! Found out today). After that, I met with Kevan, my photographer partner guy to discuss Full Circle Photography (Website will be up in a couple of weeks, stay tuned for more details). Then I picked Chris and Anna and Daniel to
go meet up with Steven and Jacqueline at ritas for free ice! After that took Daniel and Anna home and met up with the rest of the gang at arirang to eat kalbi tang (for the first time) It was good!
After that we went over to easton to get xiao ding dong's gift, but they never found it until we went to target (of all places). Met up with Katie and Shing there. Josh joined us and we went over to the Chow house to watch Body of Lies. It was very good. I enjoyed it.

Saturday: Met with Jared and Katy! They are clients. They are getting married in June and Full Circle Photography is photographing them! Awesome for us and them! After hurried home to rush to church to practice for Praise Night. Then Praise Night. It was awesome, God was definitely there
. I probably played the best drums I have ever in my life. It was loud and awesome. Praise God, it was good. After that we went to Chris' house and had a firepit. It was good because I got to try out the lowlight cabablilities of my new 5d mark II. And they are awesome. Just look!
Sunday: Woke up early to go to prayer meeting at church. Started at 8:30 -_- the sad thing was I was running on 4 hours of sleep and the day ended up being a full one. After church I went over to Chris' house by myself to get xiao ding dong's present. Started to take a nap but was awoken by phone call to go over to Anna's house. At Anna's house the girls made a card.

After that went to xiao ding dong's b-day "suprise" party, it was slightly "ruined" because someone ruined the suprise. Oh well, I think she had an awesome time which is what counts! Happy B-day kiddo

After the b-day dinner, we went over to Pjosh's house and watched Narnia: Prince Caspian. I didn't watch it, I ended upstairs in the loft, passed out in the carpet. Apparently I snored. haha, I'm Lord Voldemort! I can speak parsletongue too.

Monday: Headed to our "vacation" during spring break, which was Cincinnati...woo...It was actually fun! Basically the reason why we went to Cinci was to eat, and eat we did. Started off with the Sushi Buffet where we basically at sushi to our hearts content and more. Headed over to the Lim house to hang out there. Before dinner we walked over the bridge to kentucky. I got some more art shots. Ate at Montgomery Inn. The ribs were absolutely delicious!

This picture makes my mouth water......the potato was a sweet good OMG I WANT TO EAT SOME NOW.

Tuesday: Ate at Ihop, omg, I want one in columbus, so much better than waffle house. Went to the aquarium and saw penguins pooping and stuff. It was funny. At dinner at this chinese restaurant that looked like a trailer in a trailer park. Went inside, and had one of the most amazing meals I have ever had in awhile. The food was so good. We had lobster, fish, pork, bok choy, seafood pan fried noodle, fried shrimp(in the shell!), roast chicken, jellyfish, and some other stuff. Came home and
now I'm writing!

During this trip I was never hungry, always full. That is right, but so wrong at the same time. I must have gained so much weight. I'm going to fast...for the sake of me and God...because I'm was a glutton.

Anyways, I leave you with this picture. A little more artistic, for you art heads...which is only me, anyways. I thought the composition was so nice and the lines were simple and flow. The color is just beautiful.



Jocelyn Ong said...

it clearly is just you...i don't get that last picture at all...haha =P

tracers said...

wow, that was anna's house??? it looks so pretty!!

Anna said...

Agree with Jiow. I see no art. ><