Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ah yes, God is good. We had a good bible study today. Talked about how God is actively pursuing us. Good stuff. Spring break, I am excited for it! I'm excited for people coming back from college like Jeff and Anna. I miss them dearly. Especially their quirks...haha. Anna you know what I'm talking about and Jeff...touch me tender....

The photography is starting to take off. Full Circle Photography's website should be up soon and I just got a gig taking a documentary of some artists. Getting paid for that. I shoot the nightlife at bento for free but I get publicity as a photographer. I am going to start shooting some other bars for money after spring quarter starts during the weekend. Full Circle is shooting a wedding in June and a possible one in August. If you don't know what Full Circle Photography is, It is basically a collaboration of two photographers. Me and this person named Kevan Lin. We shoot weddings and basically everything else.

So here is my spring quarter schedule. Studio classes are back on board..I hope I don't have to spend hours and hours on them like I had to do Autumm quarter...knowing this, I probably will have to. It shall be a good spring quarter!


Anna said...

looks like you don't have to spend that many hours in class, nice!