Sunday, May 10, 2009

This week has been rough physically and spiritually. I'm so exhausted. My brain is a soup.....I need prayer guys. On top of stress, I'm feeling heavy heavy spiritual attack. I really really need prayer. I really am kind of depressed right now, I don't know if it's one of my mood swings but I feel so down...and it's mother's day on top of that! I should be happy.

Ok, putting that aside, I'll try to make this a more upbeat post. The photography this weekend was probably the best I've done in awhile....Each picture has an interesting story to go with it so I hope you enjoy, feel free to laugh at me.

Thursday, I went on the oval on campus and shot this picture for an assignment. Here is the "laugh at me" story. So I walked up to this couple with their dog and got their permission to photograph them. I put my hand near the little dog and she freaking bit me! haha. It didn't draw blood but still, it surprised me because I didn't expect that dog to be so ferocious. Anyways, I started shooting and the dog calmed down and got into a cute pose. I got the photo I wanted and thanked them and reached down to pet the dog inadvertantly...and it tried to bite me again!© All Rights Reserved Full Circle Photography

Next photo is at the newly built library at OSU. I got a sneak peak preview because my roommate is library security. I thought that I would take some pictures for UWeekly, so I got in and started taking pictures. As I was walking down the the stairs to exit. I got caught by this guy...haha, he took my information and my editor's information. I don't think he is going to call. So these empty shelves next year will be filled with books...exciting.

© All Rights Reserved Full Circle Photography

I have aquired a new lens! Here is my new baby. It is the Canon 70-200mm IS F2.8. This enabled me this weekend to shoot some sports! I now have photographed three sport's events! Look at my credentials!

So my weekend sports photography started off with some tennis and ended with softball. There aren't really any interesting stories behind it. But here are some shots.
© All Rights Reserved Full Circle Photography

Mother's Day! This is what I got for my mom. It was when she got her membership transferred. Canvased and Stretched. I love my mommy.

And finally, the picture of the week. This is the one of my best pictures I've done. Used an off camera flash and utilized the spotlight behind the police officer.

© All Rights Reserved Full Circle Photography

Anyways, I need prayer, to push through the rest of this quarter. I need patience......this week is going to be rough too. Pray pray pray for me please!



Jocelyn Ong said...

will be praying~ and i like the laughing picture, it makes me laugh...haha

Anna said...

I like what you got for your mother!

tracers said...

what beautiful form they have... and really? you want a cat? I would want a cat if it didn't shed. cat fur is sooooooo annoying... it's everywhere. literally.