Monday, May 18, 2009

Again with the busy weekends! sheesh. I'm was going full steam all weekend long, I don't know how I survived. Anyways! here is the included of course...

I was running all around Columbus this weekend.
I finally visited COSI for the first time ever....for a shoot, I didn't even see the whole place. Sad...
But I got a picture of the president of Ohio State University. Dr. Gordon Gee. Sadly his natural face is....angry? haha. oh well, I like it, it's his dark side...O.o Well actually it's probably because the COSI shoot was at 9 am...gah so early.

I was so tired from the night before but right after going to COSI, I had to hurry to class....where I got bored and tired...haha the girl next to me is sleeping.
Anyways, moving onward to the evening, shot baseball for the second time. My favorite picture of that event was not even the baseball but of this shot...But here is a "sports" shot for you all to look at
Moving on to the next day, which was....saturday? yes, woke up early to go to worship practice. Then ran off to go shoot sofball where the girls went off to win against kentucky and go to the super regionals! yay!
Good for them, then ran over to go shoot track with my photo editor
Then went off to go help do busy, anyways, went home and started editing....didn't get done till like 2 in the morning
Which wasn't healthy because then I had to wake up early for 8:30 prayer and then do worship which ended up being awesome. I like doing worship with Jacqueline...she can sing! haha, and we both can harmonize to each that. And yes...that is a microphone nun! hehe.
Oh yeah, if your wondering why I have a picture of Jacqueline is because this weekend I embarked on a challenge...a challenge of photo documenting my life for my final photo project. At the end of the weekend I had taken about 1800 pictures. It was so mentally draining to be constantly taking pictures. Anyways moving on, after church did fundraising and lunch. After that I ran off to meet with my editor and do another shoot. Then hurried off to Shing's relatives restaurant and had an awesome dinner in exchange for a family portrait. They wanted something simple so I just had them line up together. Meh, I could have done better, but oh well.
After dinner went over to easton and did a fun car shoot with shing and paul, which brings me to the picture of the week. This is one of my favorite pictures I have ever shot. It is classic....shing, creeper man, I didn't even try to get the shot, he just appeared in it haha. Anyways, Paul and I were thinking about doing this every sunday night or like ever other week. Basically we would do a shoot on Sunday evening and anyone can come and model or shoot. Bring your cameras and models will be available or if you want pictures, we can photograph you. Learn how to take photos and learn how to model. It would be fun and people can improve on their photography. It's a chance for everyone to learn! Anyways, enjoy!



Shingers said...

lol looks even sweeter in full size...i even got the creeper face

Anna said...

dang Jacqueline is gorgeous.