Sunday, May 3, 2009

ah yes. Sunday night, chillin with the guys at Josh's, writing the blog. I'm going to recap the the weekend. Oh yeah, I'm going to start doing the Picture of the Week. It's basically my favorite picture that I take from the week.

Ok so this weekend was sort of chill. Had to do a couple of assignments. Here's what I do during the weekend. So Swine Flu! Nothing to interesting. I really like the attitude of the girl. It's like, Swine Flu, you can't take me!
At the OSU Urban Art Gallery. They tried out this new thing. They had an exhibit for the blind. So this is so crazy...but anyways, this is the photo for it.
Moving on to the internship. This weekend, I had the opportunity to shoot a tai kwon do tournament and a dance competition. Sadly I didn't do too well in either. But here are some shots from the tai kwon do tourney. This poor girl got punched in the throat...and apparently you are not allowed to punch people in the throat....O.o And this is the regular action shot I guess...Here is a shot from the dance thing, It was for young kids and they were all doing a group dance. It was cute.
And finally! The Picture of the Week. I was walking backstage behind the curtain to get to the other side. It was all dark and this was the only light that was lit in the back. This lone light, so I quickly composed a shot of it, and this is how it turned out. I really like it. It's now my computer background. I really like the idea of just one light piercing the darkness. Enjoy.
Edit: Oh yeah, thanks for pointing that out jiow. Feel free to take the Picture of the Week and use it...just don't say you took the shot yourself. But anything else, don't take because those are licensed and copyrighted not under me. O.o


Jocelyn Ong said...

oooo, very nice pictures, you should probably put some html coding to disable right click on yer blog to prevent people from stealing your pictuers...haha

Anna said...

I don't really understand the lone light one. Isn't that similar to just like... taking a picture of any light bulb in a dark room??

That punch-throat-ing photo looks painful. Poor girl. That's why sports are no fun! You get punched in the throat -_-