Monday, April 13, 2009

Recapping this weekend is going to be hard, so I'm just going to talk about the highlights!
It was definitely a busy weekend full of shooting with some wonderful people. Ill start off with Friday....
Friday was full of working on my photo project for class. and then more bar shots for UWeekly...bed time at like 3am.

Saturday I woke up at around 8:30 to get ready for a full day of shooting. Went to starbucks to do a quick headshot session for UWeekly, then headed off to photograph the OSU vs Michigan Track and Field Meet. Here are some of the shots. Click on them to enlarge.

After that went to go shoot Katie and Jared's engagement session. What a lovely couple. They were great. Here is a photo from their session. I can only give you a small preview because they haven't been released to them yet. And when the the website goes up. I won't be able to show pictures I do for clients. But I will link you all to the website where you can view them!

That was Saturday. Wow, I was out all day, I even got a little sun burnt, nothing serious, just a red face, hehe. It's turned tan now.
Sunday! Easter! This was fun service. I had to capture this, The sermon had just started and this guy was already asleep. HAH!

Shing FINALLY got baptized! Welcome shingaling. SO did WenBen! YAY Here is a little preview. I'll post the rest on FB. There are some pretty humorous pictures.
Norman and Paul also brought their cameras so we were all in front with our DSLR's looking like the papperazzi.

My mom also tranferred membership, haha, I love my mommy. There are better ones, but I thought this one was different than the usual stuff.

That night, I finished my photo project! It's nice, it has David and Katie in it! I'll probably give them a print so they can keep it because I'm nice like that.
So it's now monday, I can now rest. I think monday is my sabbath since on Sunday I'm usually so busy. Wow. good weekend. Now for a nap to make up for all the missed sleep.



tracers said...

lol bernard looks like a G.

Jocelyn Ong said...

nice pictures~

Anna said...

that photo of Shing is hilarious.