Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My midterm didn't go so good, oh well. And my PC has some issues that's not good for me and my photo editing...some of my programs stopped working -_-

since i have already given you the cover photo for UWeekly in my last post, I'm going to direct you to a new place, that recently opened up. Check out our website:

Monday, April 27, 2009

what a weekend. It was so busy, but I had fun. I'm tired now though. Ok, I'll start off with thursday like usual.

Had to do the usual shoots which was ok.....Friday morning woke up and drove all the way to dublin to do a portrait session for UWeekly with this guy who invented this caffeinated water. The water is going to released this Wednesday at the All-American Rejects Concert. Then it was school and boring stuff like that.

Saturday! Game day! BIG HUGE SPRING GAME! But...before that, I had to wake up at 8 and photograph this protest that PETA was doing against this guy at OSU who kills dogs.

After that was game day! Headed over to the stadium and had an awesome time shooting on the field. Got a tan too. Here are some pictures from the day. I realized that I'm really bad at sports photography. Sadly in this style/business of sports photography, You need equipment set list is not set for Sports. It is more for portraiture. But still, I had some ok shots. It was fun anyways. I got a press pass and I got on the field and onto the camera deck. Exilerating! The rest of the pictures are up on facebook so check it out!
This is me shooting with my photo editor's camera.
One day I will have day. Anna you think my lenses are creeper lenses....this is the ultimate creeper lens. can see all the way down the you don't have to move as a photographer...haha.I really wanted to get a wide angle shot of the stadium so here it is!
Another shot of me not doing sports photography haha..... is the shot that I like the most out of the 800 photos I took at the game...the ref is in the middle of holding up the TD sign and the ball is crossing the endzone. Good shot Victor...wheeSunday....WOW I can feel the Spirit stirring the Church. Combined worship was awesome! Pastor Li's sermon was legit. Best combined service I ever had. I gave blood and now I have a bruise on the left arm because the nurse wiggled the needle Ate at benihana's for dinner with PJosh, Chris, Max, Paul, and Jacko-monster. Wasn't as good as I expected it...and the show was so-so. Not going back there...not worth the money. Watched Slumdog millionare at Shing's house. that was my busy weekend. There is more I should add in, but those were really not important photo shoots. OK!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth day! So here is the Cover for the week! It is one of my favorite covers! Tree Hugger! Another busy weekend for me. Thursday I have to wake up early and go shoot at the Oval for a special prank hosted by Red Bull. That should be interesting. What I'm excited for is this weekend. I get to shoot the Spring Game! Which means I get to be on the field for in the OSU stadium! FUN FUN! Ok, that's all I have for today. I need to sleep...more. I'm getting headaches more frequently now. Pray for me!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

another busy weekend, starting thursday. Went and shot for my internship at the theatre! Here's a quick shot of the pit. I really enjoy very extreme lighting.
After that, night life pictures at the bars. Friday was a combination of hurriedly trying to get my assignments done for the weekend and going to the waterfalls with Bernard, Paul, Josh, Elean, Si Chu, and Marissa. Here is my favorite pic from that day. Used the sun as it was setting as a snoot. Josh Yen, the model looking oh so fine.

Saturday was waking up early to go with my editor to shoot some more assignments. I don't like posting those pictures because they aren't my best much as I would like it, they are always based on the story. I might post the cover every week from now on. This week's is really funny, I'll post it on Wednesday. Anyways, moving on, after the assignments, went over to the short north to photograph the beautiful Josie. Here is the result. I can only post one, because even she hasn't seen the shots yet. haha. This is just the proof, it hasn't been edited much yet.
© 2009 Full Circle Photography
After that, I rushed over to the church to help prepare the chicken for fundraising. I don't want to complain, but I feel like I tend to help both Saturday and Sunday....instead of just Saturday, but it's ok! I have to remember, that we (mission team) are suppose to support each other, carry each other's burdens. It was a great reminder this Sunday at prayer meeting. Galatians chapter 6 really hit home.

Sunday was also a full day, don't really have pictures from today but I do have a good story to tell after I summarize the day. Woke up early....really early. Picked up Jacqueline and was late to mission team prayer meeting -_- Helped the kids make crafts. I'm really starting to enjoy the boys there, they are hilarious! One of them used a needle to poke a hole in my water bottle and I didn't notice till it started leaking all over myself, haha, it was funny.
Fundraising was hectic...none of the hs'ers came out tilll after service was over, and then they had to do stuff and all that so it was....blah. Once we got everyone together it got better. We are learning.
Ok so here is the story! After that, I went over to Goodale park to do a assignment, while I was there shooting the Jenni's ice cream stand, a guy came over to me and handed me his card, and was like, can you email me those pictures that you took? We would like to have some pictures for our blog! So I was like yeah, sure....and left. I look on the card, and guess who it is....the owner of Jenni's Ice Cream. I met the owner of Jenni's and if he likes my pictures, then maybe there might be a business opportunity!
After that, I went over to the photolab to process some film for my photo class.
Sunday Evening, ate dinner with PJosh at Taste of Bali. Indonesian Food. It was good! We had a nice guy to guy talk. I'm starting to get closer to him, it's good.

Anyways, this is the first evening I've spent at home this whole week, feels good to kind of veg out. God is good, I'm excited!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Recapping this weekend is going to be hard, so I'm just going to talk about the highlights!
It was definitely a busy weekend full of shooting with some wonderful people. Ill start off with Friday....
Friday was full of working on my photo project for class. and then more bar shots for UWeekly...bed time at like 3am.

Saturday I woke up at around 8:30 to get ready for a full day of shooting. Went to starbucks to do a quick headshot session for UWeekly, then headed off to photograph the OSU vs Michigan Track and Field Meet. Here are some of the shots. Click on them to enlarge.

After that went to go shoot Katie and Jared's engagement session. What a lovely couple. They were great. Here is a photo from their session. I can only give you a small preview because they haven't been released to them yet. And when the the website goes up. I won't be able to show pictures I do for clients. But I will link you all to the website where you can view them!

That was Saturday. Wow, I was out all day, I even got a little sun burnt, nothing serious, just a red face, hehe. It's turned tan now.
Sunday! Easter! This was fun service. I had to capture this, The sermon had just started and this guy was already asleep. HAH!

Shing FINALLY got baptized! Welcome shingaling. SO did WenBen! YAY Here is a little preview. I'll post the rest on FB. There are some pretty humorous pictures.
Norman and Paul also brought their cameras so we were all in front with our DSLR's looking like the papperazzi.

My mom also tranferred membership, haha, I love my mommy. There are better ones, but I thought this one was different than the usual stuff.

That night, I finished my photo project! It's nice, it has David and Katie in it! I'll probably give them a print so they can keep it because I'm nice like that.
So it's now monday, I can now rest. I think monday is my sabbath since on Sunday I'm usually so busy. Wow. good weekend. Now for a nap to make up for all the missed sleep.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's sad this this is only time I can edit photos this weekend....sad because I lose sleep -_-

Friday, April 10, 2009

Let us rememeber today, the day that Jesus died for us on the cross....Thank You Jesus

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Finally got the "running the stop sign" citation back after two week of waiting. $120. I'm definitely going to court. That's so retarded because I definitely stopped. The alley way that I got pulled over at is designed that the stop sign comes before you get to the end of alley. So I did stop and then saw that the car was coming so i rushed it.

Anyways, God is good. I know everything will turn out. Trust is something I have been trying to work on lately.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I TIRED. Anyways, start of a day. I need to do my devos. I missed Sunday -_-

Anyways, I've been trying to run every day, but I don't think I'll run today, I'm just going to sleep once I get done with class and darkroom.

In my 4d sound class right now. I see April! I took a picture. It's pretty creeper, oh well. Taken with my iphone.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Praise God! He is awesome. So after doing the photo assignments for UWeekly, this weekend. I was suprised with an email from my photo editor. Apparently, I'm good at photography! =)

I am now the assistant photo editor for UWeekly! I basically get to shoot the cover every week and all the other assignments excluding sports, well, I get to shoot sports sometimes. I got a raise also (its a nice number too) , and a steady income now too. And on top of that, it basically is a great thing on the resume, especially in my career (Photojournalism).

God is good. Yes He is! Man, I am happy.

Hmmm, I should post a photo. Ok! Here is one of the photos I shot this weekend for UWeekly, it's not going to make the cover because it's a portrait, but I'm really proud of it. The subject was adderall trafficing. This is my roomate Esm, he's a really good model actually. Anyways, so this his drug dealer pose.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Man do I have

a busy weekend. I have to do 4 shoots for U Weekly, Bar Starz, two events at Franklin County Veterans Memorial, Photography homework and processing, Prayer Meeting, Worship this Sunday/Offering and skit practice.

No rest for me this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get through it....week two and already swamped! YAY!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

If you were on OSU campus right now, you could go pick up a copy of the new edition of UWeekly, a campus newspaper. On the front you will see my ID....yes, my drivers license. Now you will probably wonder why my ID is on the front cover of the newspaper. It's because, I photographed it! Yes, my first weekend working at UWeekly and I get the front page. In addition I also have more pictures on the inside cover. Great success! Max Sung is also in it because I photographed him lol. Oh well, that's all I have for today.