Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm sitting in my art history class currently half listening to my professor talk about Titian's "Danae" It's rather dull and boring. It took 30 minutes of trudging through a blizzard to get to class. And the lovely thing about it was that the snow was blowing in my face the whole time! I thought that when I moved to my apartment that I wouldn't have to walk that far again...which brings me to apartment hunting. It has rather been frustrating looking for an apartment to live in next year. We had found a place to live but my mom didn't like the location so we have to search for another place. It had the perfect location and the amenities were perfect....oh well. I found another place that is a little bit further that may be the place....we shall see.

So school has started and I discovered a rather interesting phenomenon. I was so excited to start class again, to get into that mode of "school" and art! But now I have such a hard time motivating myself to go to class. It's like I had so much energy before school to go to school and now I feel so lazy! I got to sleep on time and I get a decent amount of sleep...maybe it's just winter...I felt like this about his time last year too. Oh well, I just have to keep studying I guess.

MLK weekend is coming up fast and the plan is to go down to Chicago with Chris, Shing, Jacqueline, and Katie to visit Anna. Man, she is a "loved" It should be fun hanging out with the guys in a different city....I really want to eat some legit food. I'll probably post on it after we come back.

Ok picture time!. Here is a picture from a wedding I shot. I posted it on my xanga on my last post, but since I'm done with xanga! I decided to repost, because I really like the photo. Enjoy!



Jocelyn Ong said...

so productive in class, haha i'm not that jealous of yer guy's snow when it's fan...but i'm jealous that the highschooler got out of school earlier...

there's a super amazing malaysian restaurant at the chinatown of chicago, but since none of you guys are malaysian, it doesn't really matter...

tracers said...

So. I read it. LIke you told me to, and I'm not impressed. =P Have fun in my "hometown" for me while you're at it.