Monday, April 27, 2009

what a weekend. It was so busy, but I had fun. I'm tired now though. Ok, I'll start off with thursday like usual.

Had to do the usual shoots which was ok.....Friday morning woke up and drove all the way to dublin to do a portrait session for UWeekly with this guy who invented this caffeinated water. The water is going to released this Wednesday at the All-American Rejects Concert. Then it was school and boring stuff like that.

Saturday! Game day! BIG HUGE SPRING GAME! But...before that, I had to wake up at 8 and photograph this protest that PETA was doing against this guy at OSU who kills dogs.

After that was game day! Headed over to the stadium and had an awesome time shooting on the field. Got a tan too. Here are some pictures from the day. I realized that I'm really bad at sports photography. Sadly in this style/business of sports photography, You need equipment set list is not set for Sports. It is more for portraiture. But still, I had some ok shots. It was fun anyways. I got a press pass and I got on the field and onto the camera deck. Exilerating! The rest of the pictures are up on facebook so check it out!
This is me shooting with my photo editor's camera.
One day I will have day. Anna you think my lenses are creeper lenses....this is the ultimate creeper lens. can see all the way down the you don't have to move as a photographer...haha.I really wanted to get a wide angle shot of the stadium so here it is!
Another shot of me not doing sports photography haha..... is the shot that I like the most out of the 800 photos I took at the game...the ref is in the middle of holding up the TD sign and the ball is crossing the endzone. Good shot Victor...wheeSunday....WOW I can feel the Spirit stirring the Church. Combined worship was awesome! Pastor Li's sermon was legit. Best combined service I ever had. I gave blood and now I have a bruise on the left arm because the nurse wiggled the needle Ate at benihana's for dinner with PJosh, Chris, Max, Paul, and Jacko-monster. Wasn't as good as I expected it...and the show was so-so. Not going back there...not worth the money. Watched Slumdog millionare at Shing's house. that was my busy weekend. There is more I should add in, but those were really not important photo shoots. OK!



Jocelyn Ong said...

"Good shot Victor...whee"

wow, way to compliment

tracers said...

oh so humble... but yes some good shots!

Anna said...

Yes, so if some guy is standing outside my window looking at me, THAT is the lens I DON'T want him to be using. I saw people using them at the lacrosse game i went to this weekend, yeah. Scary.