Sunday, April 19, 2009

another busy weekend, starting thursday. Went and shot for my internship at the theatre! Here's a quick shot of the pit. I really enjoy very extreme lighting.
After that, night life pictures at the bars. Friday was a combination of hurriedly trying to get my assignments done for the weekend and going to the waterfalls with Bernard, Paul, Josh, Elean, Si Chu, and Marissa. Here is my favorite pic from that day. Used the sun as it was setting as a snoot. Josh Yen, the model looking oh so fine.

Saturday was waking up early to go with my editor to shoot some more assignments. I don't like posting those pictures because they aren't my best much as I would like it, they are always based on the story. I might post the cover every week from now on. This week's is really funny, I'll post it on Wednesday. Anyways, moving on, after the assignments, went over to the short north to photograph the beautiful Josie. Here is the result. I can only post one, because even she hasn't seen the shots yet. haha. This is just the proof, it hasn't been edited much yet.
© 2009 Full Circle Photography
After that, I rushed over to the church to help prepare the chicken for fundraising. I don't want to complain, but I feel like I tend to help both Saturday and Sunday....instead of just Saturday, but it's ok! I have to remember, that we (mission team) are suppose to support each other, carry each other's burdens. It was a great reminder this Sunday at prayer meeting. Galatians chapter 6 really hit home.

Sunday was also a full day, don't really have pictures from today but I do have a good story to tell after I summarize the day. Woke up early....really early. Picked up Jacqueline and was late to mission team prayer meeting -_- Helped the kids make crafts. I'm really starting to enjoy the boys there, they are hilarious! One of them used a needle to poke a hole in my water bottle and I didn't notice till it started leaking all over myself, haha, it was funny.
Fundraising was hectic...none of the hs'ers came out tilll after service was over, and then they had to do stuff and all that so it was....blah. Once we got everyone together it got better. We are learning.
Ok so here is the story! After that, I went over to Goodale park to do a assignment, while I was there shooting the Jenni's ice cream stand, a guy came over to me and handed me his card, and was like, can you email me those pictures that you took? We would like to have some pictures for our blog! So I was like yeah, sure....and left. I look on the card, and guess who it is....the owner of Jenni's Ice Cream. I met the owner of Jenni's and if he likes my pictures, then maybe there might be a business opportunity!
After that, I went over to the photolab to process some film for my photo class.
Sunday Evening, ate dinner with PJosh at Taste of Bali. Indonesian Food. It was good! We had a nice guy to guy talk. I'm starting to get closer to him, it's good.

Anyways, this is the first evening I've spent at home this whole week, feels good to kind of veg out. God is good, I'm excited!



Anna said...

My favorite is the picture of Norma and Isaac making chicken. They look so happy! That's how we should always look while squishing raw chicken with our bare hands... ><