Sunday, July 12, 2009

I’ve been in Taiwan for 2 days now…and to my surprise it’s not bad. People kept telling me this and that, how hot it was going to be, etc. But I don’t think they remember that I’ve been under these conditions before many many times.
I hate comparing Haiti to Taiwan, but I guess I kind of want to. Mind you, both place are awesome. So this is just for me.
Weather wise, I will have to say that Haiti is just as hot as Taiwan, but Taiwan is more humid. You sweat either way so it’s whatever. The only difference is that in Haiti, there is no AC. In Taiwan, even though it’s hot, There is an air-conditioned room some where. The place where we are staying at is air-conditioned, so I will say that the only time we “sweat” is when we travel…which isn’t even that bad. The classes that we are teaching in also have AC so we are super blessed to have those things. We sleep on the floor with mats. I'm a side sleeper so I think I already have a bruise on my hip.

We eat like kings here, and we constantly eat. Food is cheap and good, I have only eaten one bad meal here. I love the breakfasts here and the boba is soooo good.

So far we have been preparing for the teaching. We have had a lot of down time to get over jet lag, and to prepare ourselves mentally. The first time mission trippers seem exhausted already. This will be interesting for them. Tomorrow is the first day of teaching so there will be no more afternoon naps and lazy afternoons. It’s crunch time.
Exhaustion, sickness, dreams, unforeseen circumstances; we have been under constant spiritual attack so pray for us! Pray that we don’t get lazy and that we don’t get sick of each other since we are around each other 24/7.
I’ve been getting to know Norman, Josh, and Isaac even more. It’s a good group of guys and we have our share of fun and mischief.

Photography wise, I've been looking for shots, but I haven't got much, it's been more documenting than anything. Literally everyone has a camera, so I don't even know why I pull mine out. I think i'm just going to pull out my camera if I see "the shot" something that is more meaningful than just "this is what I did" (I'm still going to document my food though). I'm just going to let all the girls do the documenting. This is the only photograph I'm really proud of. This was grabbed the first morning at about 7? This was before everyone woke up. Deacon Katy was just sitting there by herself praying and meditating. The light fell on her perfectly. I was in a groggy sleep state but I managed to snap a shot of it.