Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It’s the second day and I’m already attached. There is this girl in my class that is named Joline and she is basically awesome. She is one of the smartest kids in the class and she knows all the answers but she is soft spoken. We (Isaac, Jacqueline and I) are very fond of her. So Jacqueline will ask questions for the class and she’ll answer the question softly to herself, but when we ask her to say it out loud she’ll shake her head no and put her book to her face. I hate to say it, but it’s kind of cute. She’s so smart.
Today I asked her in my limited Chinese if she was a Christian and she answered no. I left it at that, because I know that I wouldn’t be able to continue the conversation with my limited knowledge of Chinese.
After class was over, I found out that she has three other siblings, two sisters and a brother. She is the oldest of them all, and she’s only 10! They all take care and look out for each other. Their parents own a mantou shop. (their mantou is pretty legit.) Anyways, all of them are really smart and they know their material.
Tonight I had such a strong desire to pray for that family. I have never experienced this things before. I want them to know who Jesus is. I want them to grow up knowing God and his love. They are so smart but it’s nothing if they don’t know God. My feel like my heart aches for them.
It’s weird, when I go to Haiti and go to the orphanages or meet the street kids. I latch myself to a kid and spoil them like crazy for the duration, but when it’s time to leave, I don’t really feel that ache like I did today. I don’t know if it’s the language barrier or what. Maybe it’s because I know the kids in the orphanages will get taken care of because it’s a Christian orphanages and we are doing VBS there. Here it is different. Most of these kids don’t know who Jesus is. Who’s going to teach them about God once we leave? They don’t go to church here. I feel so inadequately equipped. I wish I could just tell her about who Jesus is. She’s so smart, and I know that she will go far in life. (now I’m just ranting).
Anyways, I know the best thing I can do is pray pray pray and trust God but for me it's hard.
It’s interesting what one little girl can do to you.


Anna said...

It’s interesting what one little girl can do to you.

jennifer said...

Even more interesting what one HUGE God will do to you. :)