Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I have not updated in awhile. You'd think that summer is a time of relaxing but it has been more busy than ever. With work? nope, sadly I'm still that poor college student with no work.

Anyways, I've been too busy with prepping for the Taiwan mission trip. Everything is happening so fast. We are leaving next! It sneaked up to me. so tricky, like isaac....
I will be bringing a camera there so expect a whole bunch of pictures. oh yes, which reminds me, our mission team has a blog. check it out
all the pictures from the mission trip will be located on my flikr site.
There are some already up there. I decided that we should compile everyone's pictures to there so it's easier for people to access so all the pictures will be from everyone's cameras! yay!

Lately I have been letting people take pictures with my camera, yeah, it's dangerous because they could drop it or something, but hey! who gets to use a pro camera ever? so I thought I would post some of the pictures I liked.

First up is Elean Yang! She has an artistic eye for things! she could become a great photographer! Look at that first picture she took! The way the light is only highlighting the subject, wow! that really impressed me!
This is Anna's shot. I like it because i'm in it...haha! no, it's good because you get the two photographers in one shot. which you usually never get. AND ALSO wtheck, none of those two have cameras with rare is that!? Nice...
This is Paul's shot. He's already a great photographer, just look at his work!
I like this picture because he manages to include himself in the picture, see if you can find him! isaac. Good pose anna...haha

Last but not least! Johnny's shot. The reason I like this shot is because it basically tells the story of Jeff and Anna's relationship! haha! The picture itself technically is ok, but because of the story it tells, it elevates everything and makes it a awesome picture!

Wow, what awesome photographers! You learn something new everyday. I def learned from each of them.



Anna said...

Notice pictures are only good if I am in the photo or taking the photo.