Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Chris and I finally moved in to our apartment. We have mostly everything moved in except appliances. School is about to start. I have to buy a whole lot of art supplies to purchase and it kind of sucks. I'm taking hebrew 370 this quarter. It's a study of the Hebrew Bible..should be interesting.

Last Sunday, the college group leaders met. It was a good meeting with a lot of planning. This is going to be an interesting year. With winter retreat coming up, I feel like I'm going to be very very very busy quarter. It's a good thing I didn't continue my assistant photo editor job. I'm really excited for the church. It's changing and maturing and growing.

Winter Retreat is coming up and right now, the worship teams are coming together. We just had our a nice planning meeting last week. and I'm in the proccess of choosing songs for this winter. It's really exciting.

Well, that's about it.



tracers said...

dang. JUST moved in and already messy... hahaha no appliances?! so important too!

Jocelyn Ong said...

haha exciting stuff. i'm kinda tempted to stay in the midwest for winter retreat...buttttt no happening. hahaha

jennifer said...

Heyyyy I have the Jewish study Bible if you need it for your Hebrew class. Call me if you want to buy/borrow it. Who's your prof?