Monday, July 27, 2009

We have one more week left before we head our separate ways/vacation. This has been an eye opening experience. I feel like I have gotten closer to everyone. We have had our frustrated moments but that is going to happen. I feel like norman and isaac are now my brothers, and we can confide in each other. I feel a little bit more confident in my chinese even though I need to work on my vocabulary.

Like I said before, we have one week left. It consists of street evangelism in the morning and VBS in the afternoon. Yesterday we went to a stream of praise concert. They were so legit. I would even say as legit as Hillsong. You can't compare the two because they are different styles of worship reaching out to a different styles of people.

I haven't been sleeping well the last couple of days, I always wake up super groggy and tired and sore. I guess I need to pray against that

Other than that. I'm almost ready to be done with this trip and get home to my computer and bed that isn't a floor.