Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Success! First official wedding under my belt. Boy was it stressful. It was %100 for 12 hours. It was probably the most stressed I have ever been. There are no redos, so I was really nervous but once the shooting started, it was nonstop till the end of the reception. My feet and my calves were cramping by the end of it. As I was driving home I debated about not doing a wedding ever again. But looking at the images today made me realize that the pay off (the images) are worth it. It brought me so much joy to photograph the wedding. Anyways, so here are some of the images that I liked from the wedding. There are so many more pictures that I loved but I can only give you a sneak preview because I haven't even shown the bride and groom these pictures..O.o

© All rights reserved Full Circle Photography


Anna said...

Really love the first 2 photos.

Jocelyn Ong said...

=D i got the sneak sneak preview, but yeah, good job!

tracers said...

oolala! velly velly nice!!

Katie K. said...

Love them! Makes me excited to see the rest. :)