Monday, March 30, 2009

This weekend was a full weekend. It was tiring but one of the most fun weekends I've had in awhile. It was my first real test at doing photography as a job. On friday I work around 3 hours doing event photography as you saw in my last post.

Saturday was over 8 hours worth of photography. I was at the Veteran's memorial to shoot more of the pet expo and the star systems talent show. After that, started bar starz which is basically bar shots for easy cash. I did not get home till 3 am. Mixed in with everything this weekend was my first "editorial shoot"

I found out today that I am actually now a photographer for UWeekly which is a campus newspaper. Now I'm a "real" photographer, hoho. not -_-

Looking back to two years ago when I first got my, I was bad! lol. I still need a lot of work, but this weekend was a new door opened.

Anyways, so today I started school. Class wise I think it will be less work than the other quarters. I'm taking Geography 120 which is about hurricanes and global warming (see why it will be less work), Art 208 which is about 4d....time. I heard it's a joke class. I have it with April Li! And finally Art 401 which is what I'm really scared about. I just read the syllabus and I'm so intimidated. I haven't even started the class and already I have a project due next week. Oh well. This class is going to keep me busy.

Anyways, it's time to be an artist and not a photographer. It's going to be difficult switching modes because I'm such a technical shooter.

I'm tired...bed...zzzZZzzz
