Monday, January 5, 2009

Ah yes, so the new year of 2009 has arrived. I guess, I'll start by recapping the year and then going on to resolutions.

I can't say that this year was good but I can't it was bad. A lot of things changed. Although some were for the worst, I can't say I didn't grow. I think I grew more.....cautious? It use to be I was all about plunging into the pool, but after certain things, I really have tried to become more reserved among just everyone. I really want to become that guy whose words have weight in them. But that takes time. Anyways. This year had it's ups and downs. It's time to move onto a new year. It's time to try new things.
I really think that this year...hurt me a lot. There were major changes in my life, and my ego was really scarred. My confidence was really....shot. I made a lot of mistakes; a lot of regrets. But you have to move on, life moves on, and you have to move on with it. You can't dwell on the past.

So here is my new years' resolutions....

Work out at least 3 times a week including cardio. also with the health stuff: carb cycling, eating less at dinnner and lunch. Eating more at breakfast.

Get better at guitar and leading worship

Be more patient and responsible, more prayerful.

Moving on....the retreat was rather awesome! The messages were good. God has really gifted Pastor Victor in preaching. He's a really dynamic speaker which makes it awesome! I met new people from Chicago and Arizona, man what a diverse group of people.....haha
I was in charge of leading worship. Man, December and the months leading up to it was a real challenge. There were so much things that just went wrong. First, we had internal trouble with the people in the team, then people kept missing practices, and it was just crazy! As time winded down, I just really stopped caring and let things I let God take control. Even on the day before the retreat started, our drummer dropped out because of family stuff. So the day before the whole retreat was suppose to start, we were without a drummer, but yet....I wasn't worried...haha, by then, nothing that happened could phase me. OMGOSH! good thing tracy came and saved the day! I think the lesson is really to depend on God, He has everything covered. There is no need to worry about things.

There was something different about this retreat compared to the other retreats like MCCA and all those ohio retreats. God was there. God met with people. The last two nights were amazing. I've never seen the youth group like this. God messed people up. I really felt the Spirit of God over everyone. The air was thick with the Holy Ghost, omgosh. When everyone started praying with their families, I actually got overcome with emotion. I've never seen the 4c families praying together like that. Watching all of this on the stage was so overwhelming It was an awesome sight to see people praying with each other. People really truly worship God. I haven't seen worship and prayer like this at 4c in a long time. Barriers are being broken down. Walls are being torn apart. The kingdom of heaven is forcifuly advancing. It's amazing! JESUS IS ALIVE AND HE IS COMING.


Jocelyn Ong said...

oooo, yes, the "new years prayer meeting" was awesome. and you're still ugly.

omgroflcopter said...

What Jiow said. But yeah, the sharing and prayer/praise night were definitely something very new to 4c i think, and i think it was really awesome for them to experience too. God did a lot at the end of 2008 =)