Monday, September 14, 2009

Woke up and went with my brother to go to worship practice, came home and celebrated my b-day with my family. They bought me a ichiban cake! It was good! Then, I went and took a nap for like 3 hours. Anna, Jacqueline, and Daniel came over and woke me up to borrow a bike. Then I got ready for dinner!

Dinner was at J Alexander's which was really good. I got prime rib which was delicious. Too top it off, our waitress was really cool and awesome. I got a free drink. Deren paid for my dinner!

After that we went back to Chris' house and watched the USC vs. OSU game. Although they lost, it was ok, I had a fun time. Gifts this year was really random, like a popcorn maker?! haha, it's really really random. I didn't really expect much, it was more of enjoying the company of my good friends like Chris, Norman, Shing, Josh, Jacqueline, Anna. My inner core group of friends. One last get together before we all have school. It was good. And also this was my last time hanging out with Anna for a couple of months.

Sunday was wake up early to get to church to prepare for Sunday worship. We tried our new set which was, Deren and I on acoustic guitars, Bernard on electric, Esther on piano, and Elean on Vox. It was rather successful. I enjoyed worship a lot. Went to lunch at Olive Garden with Shing, Johnny, Max and Chris. It was good just hanging with the guys, no girls. Sunday night was tennis at OSU. I'm really starting to get the hang of it. It's starting to be fun.

Now, I'm just enjoying a sandwich and a rolling rock, relishing the fact that I don't have school tomorrow. Life is good. I'll start blogging more regularly once school starts.



tracers said...

happy birthday foo! don't drink too much... you'll get a beer belly...

Anna said...

1) What is cold calling?
2) I didn't understand the Rolling Rock thing until I saw the picture. I thought the sandwich was supposed to be a rock. But yeah, I assume it's an alcoholic beverage ahaha.
3) Jacqueline and I were going through Target when we saw the popcorn maker, and we knew that it was THE ONE.
4) Glad you liked your birthday! And yes, last time hanging out for awhile, but probably less than 10 weeks before I'm back (assuming I come back for Thanksgiving). Distance is good. Maybe you guys will like me more since you'll cherish my infrequent presence more. =D